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Managing a high-risk pregnancy

Questions and answers

Table of Contents

    What is a high-risk pregnancy?


    A high-risk pregnancy is any pregnancy in which the mother and/or baby are at increased risk for complications. Problems that make pregnancy high risk include:

    • Advanced maternal age (35 or older)
    • Multifetal pregnancy, such as twins or triplets
    • Chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or lupus
    • Problems or complications in a previous pregnancy
    • Complications that occur during this pregnancy, including gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension and gestational cholestasis
    • If you were underweight or overweight before becoming pregnant, take illegal drugs, smoke tobacco or have a drinking problem, your pregnancy is also considered high-risk.


    How does prenatal care change in high-risk pregnancies?


    The doctors at Tartaczna 2 Medical Center will most likely ask you to have more frequent prenatal visits if your pregnancy is considered to be high-risk. Differences in your care really depends on the factors that bring about the high risk status.

    A high-risk pregnancy can lead to more problems during delivery. Our doctors will discuss birth options with you. You can be assured that their main goal is to keep your baby healthy and well.


    How do I ensure my baby and me stay healthy during a high-risk pregnancy?


    If you are of advanced maternal age or have a medical condition, schedule a pre-pregnancy appointment with the team at Tartaczna 2 Medical Center before you become pregnant. This is not always possible, but it can help you understand what to expect when you become pregnant. You can also take several important steps – such as eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol intake and taking prenatal vitamins – before you try to have a baby.


    Other strategies that can help if you fall into the high-risk category include:

    • Attending all scheduled prenatal visits
    • Achieving the recommended body mass
    • Staying active, as suggested by your doctors
    • Protecting emotional health.
    • The team at Tartaczna 2 Medical Center is available to help you at any stage of your pregnancy. Do not hesitate to call if you have questions or concerns about the progress of your pregnancy.

    If you fall into the high-risk pregnancy category, call or make an appointment on-line before you become pregnant, or as soon as you suspect you are already pregnant.


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